Podcast: The New Community Church
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives from Philippians 4.
All My Knotted-Up Life
In this podcast—Part 2 of our summer reading series—TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Beth Moore’s newest book, “All My Knotted-Up Life,” on three “saving-graces” for the well-lived life.
In this podcast—Part 1 of our summer reading series—TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Peter Enns’s newest book, “Curveball,” on how to pursue deeper faith and greater intimacy with God amid life’s unexpected twists and turns.
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications from Psalm 4:8.
Summer 2023!
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Matthew 6 on how we can experience an awesome and abundant summer!
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches on three assumptions we often make that rob us of the good life with God.
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some perspectives from the Gospel of Luke on life in the days after Mother’s Day.
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from the Scriptures on three under-valued experiences that lead to the good life.
Coffee With Ann
In this podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some perspectives on Everyday Miracles from Mark 3:7-10.
Why I Still Read The Bible Part 2
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan shares some more perspectives on how the Bible has been misused and how we must begin to understand it.