Podcast: The New Community Church
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some perspectives and applications from James 1:17.
One Objection After Another
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Exodus 3 on the things we often say to avoid following God’s leading.
Coffee With Ann
In this podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications from a famous song and Genesis 2:1.
Misery Traps
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Romans 12 and Esther 4 on how to avoid three sneaky misery-traps.
God On The Loose
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Mark 5 on three ways God is actively moving in your life.
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications from Romans 8 and 1 Thessalonians 5.
One Life Decision
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Proverbs 18 and Acts 17 on the single, most important choice we can make if we want to experience “the good life.”
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications from Psalm 139:14.
Two Words We Need
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Ecclesiastes 3 and John 16 on what to do when your life is going well and when it’s not.
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications from Isaiah 43:17-18.