Podcast: The New Community Church
Christmas Coffee With Ann
In this podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some perspectives and prayers from the Christmas Scriptures.
Christmas 2024: Part 3
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from the Christmas Scriptures on three phrases for the next three days.
Christmas 2024: Part 2
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Matthew 2 on Where God comes at Christmas.
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some Christmas wisdom and perspectives from a story in Luke 10.
Christmas 2024: Part 1
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Isaiah 9 on Christmas Plans.
Coffee With Ann
In this Thanksgiving midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore reminds us of the spirit of Thanksgiving and the promise of Psalm 100.
Dear Thursday, Please Pass The Turkey
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Psalm 34 on how we can experience the goodness of God this Thursday.
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some thoughts and perspectives on Matthew 21:22 and on how the Lord speaks in times of fear and worry.
Dear Sincerity, Where Did You Go?
In this podcast, TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from 1 Thessalonians 5 on how we can rediscover the beauty and power of sincerity.
Dear Problems, Thank You
In this podcast, TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Romans 5 on three life-fueling gifts that problems can bring.