Podcast: The New Community Church
Coffee With Ann
In this podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications from Proverbs 11:25.
Where Are You Weak?
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from 2 Corinthians on why weakness is your real strength.
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications from John 3:16; 13:34-35.
Are You For Sale?
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Proverbs 21:21 on three strategies for becoming a more loyal person.
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications from Luke 19.
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications from 1 Peter 5:7.
Your Inner Game
In this podcast TNC pastor David Bryan teaches from 2 Corinthians 4 on the single decision most likely to bring you freedom and strength.
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications from Romans Chapter 8.
If I Fly To The Horizon
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Matthew 28 and Psalm 139 on God’s desire to be with us always, even to the end of the ages.
Mirror, Mood, Management
In this podcast TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from James Chapter 3 on a force so powerful that no human can thrive without learning to manage it wisely.