Podcast: The New Community Church
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some perspectives from Luke 11:1-8 about persistence in prayer.
Somehow: Thoughts On Love
In this podcast—Part 5 of our summer reading series—TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from 1 Corinthians 13 and Anne Lamott’s newest book, “Somehow: Thoughts On Love.”
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications from Matthew 13:5 and Luke 11:9.
The Wood Between The Worlds
In this podcast—Part 4 of our summer reading series—TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from 1 Corinthians 1 and Brian Zahnd’s newest book, “The Wood Between The Worlds.”
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications from 1 Timothy 2:1-2.
Strange Religion
In this podcast—Part 3 of our summer reading series—TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Galatians 5 and Nijay Gupta’s newest book, “Strange Religion.”
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications from Psalm 37:3-7.
Scripture And Politics
In this podcast—Part 2 of our summer reading series—TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from Luke 11 and N.T. Wright’s newest book, “Jesus And The Powers.”
Coffee With Ann
In this midweek podcast TNC Elder Ann Moore shares some life perspectives and applications on nature and prayer from Mark 1:35.
Field Notes For The Wilderness
In this podcast—Part 1 of our summer reading series—TNC Pastor David Bryan teaches from John 3 and from Sarah Bessey’s newest book, “Field Notes For The Wilderness,” on three practices for an evolving faith.